
How the Oral Microbiome is Connected to Overall Human Health

January 02, 2025
New research from the Lynch lab highlights the crucial link between oral microbiome health and overall human well-being.

Editing Genes in the Microbiome to Prevent Disease

August 20, 2024
TED Audacious Grant Combines CRISPR Gene Editing with a Genomic Understanding of the Human Microbiome to Address Asthma and Other Conditions

DOM Grand Rounds: Our Emerging Understanding of the Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease

December 15, 2021
In this UCSF Medicine Grand Rounds, we will explore the latest innovations surrounding the gut microbiome, including its key role in maintaining our general health and how it goes awry in inflammatory bowel diseases. Dr. Susan Lynch, Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology and Director, Benioff Center for Microbiome Medicine, and Dr. Najwa El-Nachef, gastroenterologist at UCSF Health and Program Director of the Gastroenterology Fellowship, will outline the latest developments in the field of human microbiome research for prediction, prevention, and treatment of disease. We will also discuss the latest data on how fecal transplants have changed the management of inflammatory bowel disease and other disorders.

Lynch Lab and partners awarded Burroughs Wellcome Fund grant

August 19, 2021

As part of a team of trans-disciplinary researchers, Dr. Sue Lynch, together with partners in the UCSF California Preterm Birth Initiative (PTBi), has been awarded funding from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund to promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in research. The Burroughs Wellcome Fund serves and strengthens society by nurturing a diverse group of leaders in biomedical sciences to improve human health through education and powering discovery in frontiers of greatest need.

Microbiome Medicine: Scientists Harness the Body’s ‘Bugs’ to Treat Asthma, MS, and More

August 19, 2021
Sue discusses the importance of early intervention in childhood development to set the stage for future health in a UCSF Research article written by Robyn Marks.

Sue discusses early life on the Biomes podcast

August 19, 2021
Sue Lynch was interviewed on the Biomes podcast. They discuss the hygiene hypothesis, which suggests that early life exposure to infections may protect against allergy and asthma, and how this may be relevant to the early life gut microbiome.

Kevin is awarded an NIH IRACDA fellowship

August 19, 2021
Postdoc Kevin Magnaye has been awarded a prestigious Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) (K12) from the NIH. Congratulations Kevin!

Watch Sue On Netflix!

February 24, 2020
In Season 1, episode 2 of Babies, Sue Lynch talks about the impact of furred pets on microbiome development. 

Ariane's Article For UCSF Synapse Is Featured By Nature

February 24, 2020

Ariane’s investigative piece for the student newspaper UCSF Synapse was featured in an article in Nature highlighting the need for greater accountability for sexual harassment cases.
