Sue Named One Of ASM's Distinguished Lecturer For 2017-2019



Gut Microbiome and Allergic Asthma

Lecture will cover studies of the early life gut microbiome and its role in allergic sensitization and asthma development in childhood. It will also include information on the microbiome of the built environment and its relationship with allergic asthma outcomes and on newer approaches aimed at targeting the gut microbiome in early life to prevent disease development.


Airway Microbiome and Chronic Inflammatory Disease

Studies of the airway microbiome in chronic sinusitis and childhood and adult asthma reveal relationships between the composition and activities of microbes on the airway mucosal surface and their capacity to drive chronic inflammation.


Gut Microbiome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Relationships between the gut microbe and IBD, including the emerging role of pathogenic states in driving distinct immune dysfunction within this patient population and microbiome manipulation approaches (fecal microbial therapy, rationally designed microbial cocktails) to mitigate disease.